

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Geosquare Series

A new idea is born for a geocaching series!

To place a new geocache and name it after the British grid reference square it is placed in.  I am going to start it with in the centre of England - Meriden.  It will be called Geosquare SP2382.

Here's some ideas I've had:-

Anyone can add to the series.
Only one such cache per square km.

Geosquare Pioneer Level 1 = five or more Geosquare cache hides
Geosquare Explorer Level 1 = five or more Geosquare cache finds

Normal geocaching placement guidelines must be adhered to.  Don't compromise on safety.

It won't always be possible to place a cache in a particular square because of:
  • Private land.
  • Cache saturation

Geosquare Series Games:

Can we join up squares with caches in?  For example:-
  • From the top to the bottom or east to west of the SP region.
  • From Meriden to the sea?
Geosquare Battleships:- 
 If you place a cache 1 point.
 If you place a cache in adjacent to a square that already has a Geosquare cache you get 2 points.
If you place a cache in adjacent to 2 squares that already have a Geosquare cache you get 3 points.
(Some software development would be needed here I think)

The private land conundrum:-
Maybe that could be got around by saying a Puzzle Cache could be set based on what is in that square e.g. Birmingham Airport, but the final would be on an adjacent square (discuss).